Monday, April 30, 2018

Origin of Roman Catholic Church – 73

Continued from previous post –
C. S. Lewis initially considered Jesus a myth. But this literary genius who knew myths well, concluded that Jesus had to have been a real person. Furthermore, as Lewis investigated the evidence for Jesus, he became convinced that not only was Jesus real, but he was unlike any man who had ever lived. Lewis writes,
Then comes the real shock,’ wrote Lewis: ‘Among these Jews there suddenly turns up a man who goes about talking as if He was God. He claims to forgive sins. He says He always existed. He says He is coming to judge the world at the end of time.”
To Lewis, Jesus’ claims were simply too radical and profound to have been made by an ordinary teacher or religious leader.
Some have argued that Jesus was only claiming to be part of God. However, the idea that we are all part of God, and that within us is the seed of divinity, is simply not a possible meaning for Jesus’ words and actions. Such thoughts are revisionist, foreign to his teaching, foreign to his stated beliefs, and foreign to his disciples’ understanding of his teaching. Here I should refer to what Hindu teachings suggest. That says we have all the three elemental aspects within us and what element we encourage makes us of that type. Those three elemental instincts are divine, animal and satanic. Jesus throughout his teachings has insisted that his followers must develop divine instinct and simply refuses to study other two. In Hindu, teachings all the three are studied with judicious balance because Hindu teaching accepts that all the three are inter related and cannot be studied separately. I believe Jesus deliberately avoided mentioning the other two because the type of people he was dealing were already much closer to those two basic instincts.
Jesus taught that he is God in the way the Jews understood God and the way the Hebrew Scriptures portrayed God, not in the way the New Age movement understands God. Neither Jesus nor his audience had been weaned on Star Wars, and so when they spoke of God, they were not speaking of cosmic forces. It’s simply bad history to redefine what Jesus meant by the concept of God. All these discussions are based on one presumption that Jesus was a Jew! Whereas we know from the lingo he used that he was an Armenians, Some suggest that the same dialects was common amongst other groups also residing in the same region what today we call Syria. That group was called Areamians. Today we see that most of these Areamians are now practicing Islam. And they speak Arabic. While Armenians prefer to remain as Christians, they are called Syrian Christians. there are cults also in that region practicing the teachings of Jesus and they are termed by many other names, however, nobody call themselves as Jesusians! Why this term Christian became more common is difficult to explain. Some suggest that Jesus was anointed by a saint who is supposed to be the father figure in Jesuit line. He was called Baptist because he was the one who began to, so called; authenticate children in the cult in which Jesus is second father figure. They were not Jews. We never shall understand the sayings of both Jesus and Baptist unless we accept the notion that Jesus was not a Jew by tradition; the concept of religion was very vague in those days. Those who were anointed with water were called Christians. Therefore, this term became common with all. If we want to be honest with facts of the history, we should accept Baptist as the founder of this cult to which Jesus promoted through his teachings.

Continues in the next post –

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